kisah hari ni,
kisah pasal binatang..
kisah benar yang sangat-sangat benar dan real...
bukan rekaan..
aku balik sendiri umah mak sedara aku..
mula2, naik bas..
pastu, naik lrt kat stesen u..
pastu, naik ktm kt kl sentral...
kisah pertama : atas bas
begini.. aku jalan dari hostel g main gate..
turun bukit yg curam..
pastu, daki bukit balik g tempat tunggu bas kat luar uia..
tunggu punya tunggu punya tunggu,
tak sampai2 jugak bas tu
lama kot aku tunggu!
aku sorang ladies with 3 guys at the bus stop..
then, duk atas bas, aku duk tepi tingkap..
sedang aku usya2 kete kt tepi,
aku nampak sekor binatang duk kt belakang keta 4x4
opss! dog..
besau weh!
even binatang tu duk dalam kete,
seram la jugak
terbayang yang anjing tu keluar gigit manusia..
kisah kedua : kat stesen ktm..
aku naik ktm kat kl sentral..
lama tunggu pak cik ktm tuh
dah la bergerak cm siput!
sedap2 aku landing atas kerusi, ada manusia sound,
" kepada penumpang yang ingin ke sentul dan batu caves , sila turun di stesen seterusnya. "
aku turun la..
sekali lagi tunggu pakcik ktm yang lambat yang memang menguji kesabaran..
turun kat batu caves, aku tunggu pak sedara aku mai ambik..
aku tunggu betul2 depan india punya temple..
dibuatnya malam tu diorang tengah 'semayang'..
bercahaya la jugak tempat tu..
then, aku 'ter'pusing kepala kat belah kiri dekat esklator..
bukan sekor derr..
makin lama, anjing tu makin dekat ngan aku..
siot takut!!!!!!
dalam hati ni,
" Ya Allah, jangan la Kau bagi anjing tu datang dekat... "
pat lima kali jugak duk ulang doa tu...
tapi, banyak kali jugak anjing tu nak main2 ngan aku..
mai dekat2, jelir2 lidah kat aku..
mau je aku campak sandal buruk aku kt muka anjing tu..
sejam jugak laa aku duk kt stesen ktm tu..
kisah ketiga : umah mak sedara aku..
lepas aku 'main2' ngan anjing kt stesen ktm, pak sedara aku dtg pick-up..
duk atas keta otw balik umah, anak dia duk main game..
tergelak jugak kitorang atas keta tu ..
sampai umah, akuu disambut oleh kucing2 kesayangan pak sedara aku..,
nama mereka,
nikon sama boboiboy!!
kesian nikon..
dia kena asthma..
banyak cerita kami bertiga..
hak hak hak..
tadi, masa nak masuk bilik nk semayang,
aku terlangkah si boboiboy!
tu takpe ag..
lepas tu, aku terpijak ekor dia derr!!
" MEOWW!! " ( bayangkan si boboiboy teriak gitu )
nasib baik dia tak tinggal love scar kat kaki aku..hak hak hak...
sekarang ni pom,
si boboiboy tengah pandang sini..
dia tahu la kot aku tengah mengumpat pasal dia.
hak hak hak..
p/s :
tengah tunggu mak sedara aku.. nk hntar aku pegi stesen bas.. KB!! wait for me!!
n18h06i93 :)
nikmat yang ada tak kan terasa selagi ianya tak hilang dari depan mata
Saturday, 24 December 2011
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
let's the story begin..!!
disebabkan aku tak berapa nak buleh tido mlm ni,
aku decide nak bercerita kat korang semua..
macam ni..
hari tu, my classmates and i have a visit to iium punya main campus at gombak..
this story is a quite old story..
we went there by lrt, of course..
the day is not a very clear and shiny day..
when we arrive at main campus, after lepak2 kejap,
it's start to rain..
mula2 rintik-rintik..
lama2, lebat la,
then, we perform our prayer at the big, beautiful and astonish mosque..
what can i see from my eyes,
the people there are soooo amazing..
can u imagine how they can just left their belongings beside and rush to perform solat??
and some of uia's student, or anybody, whom put their trades and a container for buyers to put the money inside, they just,
tawakkal to Allah..
diorang boleh je letak macam tu..
kalau kat tempat lain,
maybe dah lama barang jualan ngan duit2 tu sekali lesap..
there's also something sweet about that place..
i can see young mother feeding her little child..
then, she sing a lullaby to the little one..
a very2 young mother..
i assume she is one of the student lar..
the mom and the baby are SOOO cute..
i wish to be like them one day..
hak hak hak
and when my friends, aini and amirah, and me were at the cafe,
there is a sweet couple,
that makes my eyes stay on them for few minutes..
the husband, wearing jubah and kopiah..
and the wife,
jubah with tudung bulat yang labuh..
they really makes me speechless..
takleh nak kata lar diorang kapel sebab both punya very good appearence..
and they doesn't seem like an unmarried couple..
( nak jadi macam diorang!! )
btw, kitorang dah lawat main campus sbelom tu..
below are our pictures together gether :)
dapat lar jelajah satu main campus tu before masuk sana tahun 2013 ni, INSYALLAH..
* tourist guide kami, of course lar my unlucky cousin yang selalu jadi mangsa :)
peace.. *
disebabkan aku tak berapa nak buleh tido mlm ni,
aku decide nak bercerita kat korang semua..
macam ni..
hari tu, my classmates and i have a visit to iium punya main campus at gombak..
this story is a quite old story..
we went there by lrt, of course..
the day is not a very clear and shiny day..
when we arrive at main campus, after lepak2 kejap,
it's start to rain..
mula2 rintik-rintik..
lama2, lebat la,
then, we perform our prayer at the big, beautiful and astonish mosque..
what can i see from my eyes,
the people there are soooo amazing..
can u imagine how they can just left their belongings beside and rush to perform solat??
and some of uia's student, or anybody, whom put their trades and a container for buyers to put the money inside, they just,
tawakkal to Allah..
diorang boleh je letak macam tu..
kalau kat tempat lain,
maybe dah lama barang jualan ngan duit2 tu sekali lesap..
there's also something sweet about that place..
i can see young mother feeding her little child..
then, she sing a lullaby to the little one..
a very2 young mother..
i assume she is one of the student lar..
the mom and the baby are SOOO cute..
i wish to be like them one day..
hak hak hak
and when my friends, aini and amirah, and me were at the cafe,
there is a sweet couple,
that makes my eyes stay on them for few minutes..
the husband, wearing jubah and kopiah..
and the wife,
jubah with tudung bulat yang labuh..
they really makes me speechless..
takleh nak kata lar diorang kapel sebab both punya very good appearence..
and they doesn't seem like an unmarried couple..
( nak jadi macam diorang!! )
btw, kitorang dah lawat main campus sbelom tu..
below are our pictures together gether :)
kami kat kuliah aed, KAED |
![]() |
makan eskrem time hujan with aini.. BEST!!! |
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ni gambar second with amirah hazwani |
dapat lar jelajah satu main campus tu before masuk sana tahun 2013 ni, INSYALLAH..
* tourist guide kami, of course lar my unlucky cousin yang selalu jadi mangsa :)
peace.. *
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
salam semua..
comment voulez-vous tous?
J'espere que tout le monde est beau
today is 20th of Dec..
countdown : 3 days to go..
untuk apa??
seram larh..
yesterday, 19th Dec, kuiz last..
susah sangat3 lar..
rasa macam nak nanges masa jawab kuiz..
glad, i'm not..
malu kokram lar triok dale kelas sebab dopleh jwb kuiz jah..
hak hak hak...
today, sekarang, now,,
aku nk mengarut pasal sesuatu yg aku tak rasa ada keperluannya untuk aku mengarut di sini ( okey.. aku dh mula mengarut nh )
huargh huargh huargh..
tak sopan betul
okey, berbalik kepada story aku hari ni..
first thing first..
aku nk soal korang...
main kuiz-kuiz lar pulak..
ok ok ok..
macam ni..
kalau korang la kan, katakan korang nak bagi hadiah kat anybody jela for his/her achievement in anything..
korang bagi benda baru or benda yg dh dipakai??
yg, erm..., kalau ikut tafsiran aku , bukan benda baru..
benda yg memang korang beli with intention nk bagi kt budak tu, tapi korang dh rasmikan @ pakai dulu??
for me, it is kurang sesuai lar cz we give somebody something to value him, her, to show our appreciation..
memang sangat3 tak sesuai lar, kalau ikut kamus hidup aku..
lagi satu..
benda yang dah dipakai,
ngan benda yang dah dipakai,
tp diproses semula menjadi benda baru adalah tidak sama, sama sekali, okey??
kalau benda baru, dipakai berulang-ulang,
lama-lama akan jadi buruk..
benda yang dah dipakai,
yg dah lama,
bila diproses semula akan jadi benda baru..
macam slogan reduce, reuse and recycle tu lar..
what i'm talk here is and are based on experience..
benda yg aku sebut kt atas, i experience it MYSELF..
bukan ciplak org lain punya...
aku perhati lar, ada seorang insan ni, dia bought something for somebody yg aku agak, important jugak lar dalam hidup dia..
yg aku macam tak berapa berkenan,
the thing dia bought, dia pakai dulu..
benda tu, electronic stuff..
kalau benda camtu kan, takleh jatuh2..
bak kata kawan aku, nti segala parts dalam longgar..
mudah rosak lar jadinya..
tp, yg dia nk bg kt somebody tu, dia guna dulu..
jatuh lantai tu, ntah lar..
xtw lar aku dh berapa kali..
kalau korang rasa korang tak nak orang lain buat macam tu kt korang,
korang-korang jangan la buat macam tu tau..
kalau aku lar, aku tak berapa suka orang buat macam tu kt aku..
tp aku tahu..
kawan-kawan aku takkan buat macam tu sebab kawan-kawan aku semua budak baik-baik..
* de mauvaises choses arrivent quand vous desireux de le faire.. with <3 *
comment voulez-vous tous?
J'espere que tout le monde est beau
today is 20th of Dec..
countdown : 3 days to go..
untuk apa??
seram larh..
yesterday, 19th Dec, kuiz last..
susah sangat3 lar..
rasa macam nak nanges masa jawab kuiz..
glad, i'm not..
malu kokram lar triok dale kelas sebab dopleh jwb kuiz jah..
hak hak hak...
today, sekarang, now,,
aku nk mengarut pasal sesuatu yg aku tak rasa ada keperluannya untuk aku mengarut di sini ( okey.. aku dh mula mengarut nh )
huargh huargh huargh..
tak sopan betul
okey, berbalik kepada story aku hari ni..
first thing first..
aku nk soal korang...
main kuiz-kuiz lar pulak..
ok ok ok..
macam ni..
kalau korang la kan, katakan korang nak bagi hadiah kat anybody jela for his/her achievement in anything..
korang bagi benda baru or benda yg dh dipakai??
yg, erm..., kalau ikut tafsiran aku , bukan benda baru..
benda yg memang korang beli with intention nk bagi kt budak tu, tapi korang dh rasmikan @ pakai dulu??
for me, it is kurang sesuai lar cz we give somebody something to value him, her, to show our appreciation..
memang sangat3 tak sesuai lar, kalau ikut kamus hidup aku..
lagi satu..
benda yang dah dipakai,
ngan benda yang dah dipakai,
tp diproses semula menjadi benda baru adalah tidak sama, sama sekali, okey??
kalau benda baru, dipakai berulang-ulang,
lama-lama akan jadi buruk..
benda yang dah dipakai,
yg dah lama,
bila diproses semula akan jadi benda baru..
macam slogan reduce, reuse and recycle tu lar..
![]() |
slogan yg lebih kurang macam yg ni lar..hehehe :) |
what i'm talk here is and are based on experience..
benda yg aku sebut kt atas, i experience it MYSELF..
bukan ciplak org lain punya...
aku perhati lar, ada seorang insan ni, dia bought something for somebody yg aku agak, important jugak lar dalam hidup dia..
yg aku macam tak berapa berkenan,
the thing dia bought, dia pakai dulu..
benda tu, electronic stuff..
kalau benda camtu kan, takleh jatuh2..
bak kata kawan aku, nti segala parts dalam longgar..
mudah rosak lar jadinya..
tp, yg dia nk bg kt somebody tu, dia guna dulu..
jatuh lantai tu, ntah lar..
xtw lar aku dh berapa kali..
kalau korang rasa korang tak nak orang lain buat macam tu kt korang,
korang-korang jangan la buat macam tu tau..
kalau aku lar, aku tak berapa suka orang buat macam tu kt aku..
tp aku tahu..
kawan-kawan aku takkan buat macam tu sebab kawan-kawan aku semua budak baik-baik..
* de mauvaises choses arrivent quand vous desireux de le faire.. with <3 *
Thursday, 15 December 2011
tak mboh!!
privet moĭ vozlyublennyĭ
eto ty!!
ya tebya lyublyu vsekh
ne chuvstvovatʹ sebya nelovko
ya chuvstvuyu glubokoe iz moego serdtsa
skuchayu po tebe vse !
( apa kes aku buat macam ni??? )
santai la kawan...
today, pak cik wan ismail's daughter had successfully carried out an experiment on the rate of chemical reaction, a clock reaction ( refer buku kat tepi ni.. dah tak ingat tajuk apa exp tu )
adapun thats exp make me dizzy and nausea and SICK!!
kerja aku, carry the measuring cylindersS around ( macam org tak betul je )
tak lar..
those measuring cylinder is used to measure KBrO3, KI, Na2S2O3 and HCl..
best oo main ngan chemical substances..
dh tu, kena measure those 4 substances ( tak termasuk distilled water and starch solution ) for FIVE TIMES!!!
mana nya tak dizzy..
yang peliknya,
even we had to repeat twice on one of the runs,
we are the first group whom finish the exp..
and it was us who step out of the lab first..
bangga tak??
miss sengih je masa aku tanya before..
" miss, boleh kami balik?? "
hak hak hak..
memang miss suka senyum pun..
tu lar cerita aku hari ni
mudz had told me before
" mc na, tulis banyak-banyak..nanti aku baca.. "
mg baca ke mudz??
thanks lar dear.. :P
my ostanavlivaemsya na etom
Mne skuchno
ha ha ha
YA shuchu
ok larh..
have a nice day and a nice weekends ya kawan-kawan semua...
* wifi hari ni sangat lembap *
privet moĭ vozlyublennyĭ
eto ty!!
ya tebya lyublyu vsekh
ne chuvstvovatʹ sebya nelovko
ya chuvstvuyu glubokoe iz moego serdtsa
skuchayu po tebe vse !
( apa kes aku buat macam ni??? )
santai la kawan...
today, pak cik wan ismail's daughter had successfully carried out an experiment on the rate of chemical reaction, a clock reaction ( refer buku kat tepi ni.. dah tak ingat tajuk apa exp tu )
adapun thats exp make me dizzy and nausea and SICK!!
kerja aku, carry the measuring cylindersS around ( macam org tak betul je )
tak lar..
those measuring cylinder is used to measure KBrO3, KI, Na2S2O3 and HCl..
best oo main ngan chemical substances..
dh tu, kena measure those 4 substances ( tak termasuk distilled water and starch solution ) for FIVE TIMES!!!
mana nya tak dizzy..
memang kerja aku jadi tukang ambik brg je
kawan aku yang lagi dua yang sebenar-benarnya carried out the exp..
letak je measuring cylinder yang berisi, kejap je kosong balik..
kena g ambik balik
dh tu, ada juga run yg tak jadi
so, repeat balik la run tu
penat GILER..
tapi, yang kami hepi
today's exp is the last one!!
lepas ni, dh tak payah buat exp dh!!
( sem depan lagi banyak exp menunggu daa )
lagi satu yang aku tak tahan
still on the exp
the run yang last one, i told my friend i want to do it
so, they let me laa..
i took the two beaker contain those chemical substances, mix it together into one beaker and swirl it..
then, my naughty mind told me
" dey, try smell the solution... "
so, i put my nose close to the mouth of the beaker..
smell like... like... i can't describe the smell
lagi satu yang aku tak tahan
still on the exp
the run yang last one, i told my friend i want to do it
so, they let me laa..
i took the two beaker contain those chemical substances, mix it together into one beaker and swirl it..
then, my naughty mind told me
" dey, try smell the solution... "
so, i put my nose close to the mouth of the beaker..
smell like... like... i can't describe the smell
tu la padahnya ikut sangat otak yang sedikit sengal..
yang peliknya,
even we had to repeat twice on one of the runs,
we are the first group whom finish the exp..
and it was us who step out of the lab first..
bangga tak??
miss sengih je masa aku tanya before..
" miss, boleh kami balik?? "
hak hak hak..
memang miss suka senyum pun..
tu lar cerita aku hari ni
mudz had told me before
" mc na, tulis banyak-banyak..nanti aku baca.. "
mg baca ke mudz??
thanks lar dear.. :P
my ostanavlivaemsya na etom
Mne skuchno
ha ha ha
YA shuchu
ok larh..
have a nice day and a nice weekends ya kawan-kawan semua...
* wifi hari ni sangat lembap *
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
anyong hasaeyo!!
nuur husna ismail imnida!!
eotteohge dangsin-eun??
nan gwaenchanh-ayo!
nan jigeum maeu haengbog ojeon
( aku mengarut apa ni?? )
hak hak hak..
okeh okeh
rilex friends
aku masih sihat..
masih lagi waras
haha ..
hari ni, rasa sedikit bengang..
meh nak story sikit..
this week, aku balik umah pak cik aku..
and then, aku migrate to my aunt's place ( macam aku cerita sebelum ni )
and last day, migrate to my uncle's back..
pagi tadi, hampir-hampir miss subuh!!!
nasib baik tak miss
hak hak
semalam, aku campak baju2 sama tudung and seluar2 kotor masuk mesin basuh
and my aunt on the machine so that the machine will carry out it's duty ( duty basuh baju lar )
we go to bed without sidai those baju
and this morning, after bangun tido, aku sidai la baju2 yang berbasuh semalam tu..
sidai kat penyangkut baju and kat beranda..
bila angkat baju petang tadi, aku terperasan yang tudung aku sehelai tak de!! ( in other mean, hilang!! )
cari punya cari punya cari, tak jumpa jugak..
mak sedara aku masuk cari dalam bilik dia..
kot2 she had mistakenly and tak sengajaly took the tudung into her room..
but, she also couldn't find it there..
so, we look for it around the house ( flat house je..takde la besau sangat )
we look under the sofa..
not there
in the bakul baju bersih..
also not there
in the washing machine..
also not there larr!!!!
dalam bilik takde, dalam kotak takde, kat ampaian pom takde..
serius bengang terasa
pastu, mak sedara aku yang sorang lagi, yang sesaja mai lepak ngan family dia suruh aku bersabar jap..
aku rilek2 jap atas kerusi
she ask me to have dinner,
tapi aku takde mood nak makan..
ni la manusia yang bernama wan nuur husna anak bapak aku, pak cik wan ismail..
mudah sangat nak ter'emo' sebab benda2 gini..
hak hak hak..
pastu, pukul 9.00 lebih2, pak sedara aku nak hantar aku balik hostel..
aku pun blah la bawak barang2 aku..
aku bagitau bini dia,
" cik izon, kalau jumpa tudung ore, bawak balik lar deh.. "
and she say,
" ookeh! "
then, aku jalan nak gi kat kereta ngan anak dia..
sambil jalan, mata melilau..
my eyes caught the sign of my tudung at the ampaian jiran bawah!!
terus aku lari gi capai tudung tu ( even tangan tengah bawak buku 10 kilo )
tergelak sepupu aku..
rupa-rupanya tudung tu melayang jatuh
the jiran bawak took it and niat dia nak bagi esok la kot..
coz, selalu jugak baju mak sedara aku melayang jatuh and the kind jiran kutip and suruh anak dia bagi balik..
kenapa aku gelabah sangat cari tudung tu??
1st : aku pakai tudung tu bila nak turun gi koop malam-malam kat hostel
2nd : pakai masa gi basuh baju kat hostel
3rd : pakai masa gi sidai and angkat baju, kat hostel jugak
4th : pak sedara aku dah nak pindah g tengganu.. susah la kalau tak jumpa jugak..
sengal tak rasa?
aku rasa sengal..
anyong hasaeyo!!
nuur husna ismail imnida!!
eotteohge dangsin-eun??
nan gwaenchanh-ayo!
nan jigeum maeu haengbog ojeon
( aku mengarut apa ni?? )
hak hak hak..
okeh okeh
rilex friends
aku masih sihat..
masih lagi waras
haha ..
hari ni, rasa sedikit bengang..
meh nak story sikit..
this week, aku balik umah pak cik aku..
and then, aku migrate to my aunt's place ( macam aku cerita sebelum ni )
and last day, migrate to my uncle's back..
pagi tadi, hampir-hampir miss subuh!!!
nasib baik tak miss
hak hak
semalam, aku campak baju2 sama tudung and seluar2 kotor masuk mesin basuh
and my aunt on the machine so that the machine will carry out it's duty ( duty basuh baju lar )
we go to bed without sidai those baju
and this morning, after bangun tido, aku sidai la baju2 yang berbasuh semalam tu..
sidai kat penyangkut baju and kat beranda..
bila angkat baju petang tadi, aku terperasan yang tudung aku sehelai tak de!! ( in other mean, hilang!! )
cari punya cari punya cari, tak jumpa jugak..
mak sedara aku masuk cari dalam bilik dia..
kot2 she had mistakenly and tak sengajaly took the tudung into her room..
but, she also couldn't find it there..
so, we look for it around the house ( flat house je..takde la besau sangat )
we look under the sofa..
not there
in the bakul baju bersih..
also not there
in the washing machine..
also not there larr!!!!
dalam bilik takde, dalam kotak takde, kat ampaian pom takde..
serius bengang terasa
pastu, mak sedara aku yang sorang lagi, yang sesaja mai lepak ngan family dia suruh aku bersabar jap..
aku rilek2 jap atas kerusi
she ask me to have dinner,
tapi aku takde mood nak makan..
ni la manusia yang bernama wan nuur husna anak bapak aku, pak cik wan ismail..
mudah sangat nak ter'emo' sebab benda2 gini..
hak hak hak..
pastu, pukul 9.00 lebih2, pak sedara aku nak hantar aku balik hostel..
aku pun blah la bawak barang2 aku..
aku bagitau bini dia,
" cik izon, kalau jumpa tudung ore, bawak balik lar deh.. "
and she say,
" ookeh! "
then, aku jalan nak gi kat kereta ngan anak dia..
sambil jalan, mata melilau..
my eyes caught the sign of my tudung at the ampaian jiran bawah!!
terus aku lari gi capai tudung tu ( even tangan tengah bawak buku 10 kilo )
tergelak sepupu aku..
rupa-rupanya tudung tu melayang jatuh
the jiran bawak took it and niat dia nak bagi esok la kot..
coz, selalu jugak baju mak sedara aku melayang jatuh and the kind jiran kutip and suruh anak dia bagi balik..
kenapa aku gelabah sangat cari tudung tu??
1st : aku pakai tudung tu bila nak turun gi koop malam-malam kat hostel
2nd : pakai masa gi basuh baju kat hostel
3rd : pakai masa gi sidai and angkat baju, kat hostel jugak
4th : pak sedara aku dah nak pindah g tengganu.. susah la kalau tak jumpa jugak..
sengal tak rasa?
aku rasa sengal..
haa!! tudung yang aku pakai ni lar yang aku usaha cari tu!!
( ommo!! aku nampak macam makcik2! )
btw, gambar atas tu, gambar aku ngan sepupu aku..
kan last night aku cakap tak leh nak upload gmbar..
sebab gaduh nak balik umah pak sedara aku
that's why ending post pom macam tak best ( ada korang kesah?? )
ni, kat bawah ada lagi gambar kitorang went to the marhaban and bbq..
tapi, bukan kat tempat tu lar..
ni lepas kitorang balik je..
wahidah, aku, along and baby, then angah..
perasan tak?? adah, aku and angah wore the same jubah derr!!
but, diff color lar
kebas jubah along..haha
mak sedara aku and sepupu2 aku pesan, lepas ni balik la lepak umah diorang..
sebab that was the first time aku overnight umah dia since masuk uia..
and i said,
" susah derr! takde LRT turun kat sungai tua.. "
pape pom,
this week is a best and a meaningful and an unforgetable week..
i've done and experience so many things this week..
'o' .. mati lah!! lab report tak siap lagi!!!
Sunday, 11 December 2011
olla olla!!
today is one of most tiring day ever..
last night, pergi marhaban sama bbq at my aunt's friend's house
guess what??
dapat shawl derr!!
dh lar last night is my first time pergi marhaban
tup tup,
dapat thing like that..
hak hak hak..
my cousinS was SOO jealous at me because the shawl i got, i guess, is the most 'chumel' compared to theirs..
lucky me darr!
and this evening,
one of them ask me out..
not out for dating larr
we went to the Empangan Batu ( or mybe Empangan Datu.. i forgot the name )
phootogediks err!!
agak banyak lar jugak kitorang posing
tp, i'm afraid i cannot upload those photos because the pictures are taken using my cousin's phone..
and she still not transfer those pictures froom her phone..
but, memang banyak lar gambar..
last but not least, setakat ini dulu yer..
olla olla!!
today is one of most tiring day ever..
last night, pergi marhaban sama bbq at my aunt's friend's house
guess what??
dapat shawl derr!!
dh lar last night is my first time pergi marhaban
tup tup,
dapat thing like that..
hak hak hak..
my cousinS was SOO jealous at me because the shawl i got, i guess, is the most 'chumel' compared to theirs..
lucky me darr!
and this evening,
one of them ask me out..
not out for dating larr
we went to the Empangan Batu ( or mybe Empangan Datu.. i forgot the name )
phootogediks err!!
agak banyak lar jugak kitorang posing
tp, i'm afraid i cannot upload those photos because the pictures are taken using my cousin's phone..
and she still not transfer those pictures froom her phone..
but, memang banyak lar gambar..
last but not least, setakat ini dulu yer..
Friday, 9 December 2011
can u lend me your shoulder..?
today is a bright and a nice day..
and masyallah..!
the weather is just great if u want to have picnic or go outing..
well, lately, the sky kept crying..
althought it was not so bad,
but it does affect us, human's daily activities..
for example, it was hard to dry the cloth der if the weather kept changing.. ( pengalaman der )
and the weather can also affect one's feeling der..
i don't think what i feel right now is as great as today's weather..
it is like, there are a stone fall onto my head..
last night,
i'd successfully sleep at 3.30 am..
3.30 A.M DERR!!
and i have class at 10 this morning..
memang ada mumia hidup la dalam kelas hari ni..
not one..
not even two
but THREE!
the two other are not the real mumia, for sure..
they also have the same problem with me..
cannot sleep
ammonia.. ( DEY! ammonia is a chemical substance lar!)
my bad
i mean, amnesia..
and now, the headache is attacking me..
but, still cannot sleep lar..
this time, why?
kakak, which a daughter of my mama had told me before....
that time, i was at their home
i slept at 10.30 morning..
and just before 12 noon, the kakak ask me to wake..
agak-agak lar
ngantok kot!
and i just ignore her..
guess what..
she kept trying to make me left the bad and the pillow..
and this satu ayat she told me, i can't forgot till now
" una.. tak elok tidur tengah hari.. nanti muka nampak tua.. "
even our prophet p.b.u.h sleep at noon
lagi tepat, before zohor..
but, he still handsome what??
tak masuk akal betul what did she told me..
lupakan lar pasal dia tu
i can't sleep last night because....
aku teringat kat kawan-kawan aku!!
so, i text them.. althought not all of them cause kredit kurang der!
tiga, or maybe empat dah syahid
and just one of them did reply me..
so, aku bagitahu dia yang aku rindu kawan-kawan aku..
rindu sangat
sampai nak nangis ( kan ke kau memang nangis? )
and dia bagitahu aku, jangan la terbawa-bawa ngan emosi..
and jangan la terpengaruh ngan drama..
sempat lagi budak ni buat lawak
memang tergelak lar jugak ngan idung tersumbat tu..
today is a bright and a nice day..
and masyallah..!
the weather is just great if u want to have picnic or go outing..
well, lately, the sky kept crying..
althought it was not so bad,
but it does affect us, human's daily activities..
for example, it was hard to dry the cloth der if the weather kept changing.. ( pengalaman der )
and the weather can also affect one's feeling der..
i don't think what i feel right now is as great as today's weather..
it is like, there are a stone fall onto my head..
last night,
i'd successfully sleep at 3.30 am..
3.30 A.M DERR!!
and i have class at 10 this morning..
memang ada mumia hidup la dalam kelas hari ni..
not one..
not even two
but THREE!
the two other are not the real mumia, for sure..
they also have the same problem with me..
cannot sleep
ammonia.. ( DEY! ammonia is a chemical substance lar!)
my bad
i mean, amnesia..
and now, the headache is attacking me..
but, still cannot sleep lar..
this time, why?
kakak, which a daughter of my mama had told me before....
that time, i was at their home
i slept at 10.30 morning..
and just before 12 noon, the kakak ask me to wake..
agak-agak lar
ngantok kot!
and i just ignore her..
guess what..
she kept trying to make me left the bad and the pillow..
and this satu ayat she told me, i can't forgot till now
" una.. tak elok tidur tengah hari.. nanti muka nampak tua.. "
even our prophet p.b.u.h sleep at noon
lagi tepat, before zohor..
but, he still handsome what??
tak masuk akal betul what did she told me..
lupakan lar pasal dia tu
i can't sleep last night because....
aku teringat kat kawan-kawan aku!!
so, i text them.. althought not all of them cause kredit kurang der!
tiga, or maybe empat dah syahid
and just one of them did reply me..
so, aku bagitahu dia yang aku rindu kawan-kawan aku..
rindu sangat
sampai nak nangis ( kan ke kau memang nangis? )
and dia bagitahu aku, jangan la terbawa-bawa ngan emosi..
and jangan la terpengaruh ngan drama..
sempat lagi budak ni buat lawak
memang tergelak lar jugak ngan idung tersumbat tu..
Aliah, even aku selalu jugak la kena buli ngan mg ( mesti mg kata "ini fitnah!!" ), tapi, aku rindu giler nak dengar quotes drpd mg :(
semua suka sejarah~~ :P
tak leh nak deny, kami memang budak berjurus!
memang lama dh shaky mengidam nak mandi lam kolam tu '0'
aku x tahu ain tengah tengok n pikir gapo masa nh
mc e, mg naek muto ngan keto dh kae loney??
p/s: aku rindu goni etep..
erm...didi punya...
lontong?? sotong?? loteng??
lantak pi la apa pun.. asal kan sedap <3
the thing is.....
olla! olla!
hai hai hai!
okey.. over react..
well.. that is one of my way to express my feeling..
erk? what for?
i had quiz today's evening..
it is not so easy, okay..
i woke up this morning, thinking what are i'm going to learn in class today..
then, my mind flash back what the lecturer told me and my classmates the day before, which was yesterday.....
" for tomorrow experiment, u MUST read the lab manual.. make sure u also search the molecular mass and molecular formula for acetone ( which is a type of chemical substance ). i'll get mad if tomorrow, u ask me whether the result u get are correct or not. and we will also have quiz 4 tomorrow, which cover for chapter 5. "
then, a classmate ask her, " miss, do us have to do the flow chart? " which we must prepare one before each experiment will be conducted.
i still not finish my flow chart and doing my revision!
i quickly wake from the bed, grab the note beside my bantal busuk and read it..
what for sure, i not remember what did i read..
ha ha
what a waste of time..
then, when my eyes caught that it is only 4.30 early the morning,
and my mind seduce me,
" husna~ the pillow looks soo adorable.. why don't you sleep first? just for few of minutes. "
and i just follow what my mind told me to do.. ( the voice that seducing me sounds like mudzy's :p )
the next time i woke up, it is few minutes before 6.30!
i rush to the bathroom,
take the obligation
and back to my room to perform subuh prayer..
after that, i look at my bed..
now it's start again
the next time i woke up ( WOKE UP!! )
i'm on my bed, rolling in my selimut busuk and hugging my bantal busuk
with my left hand taking away the evidence caused by overslept and the right hand searching for the phone under the book beside..
this time, my mind like,
flying without wings~
i'm going insane derr!!!
i manage to go to chemy's lab with flow chart in my bag and notes in my hand..
i thought i'm gonna die today..
lucky me
hai hai hai!
okey.. over react..
well.. that is one of my way to express my feeling..
erk? what for?
i had quiz today's evening..
it is not so easy, okay..
i woke up this morning, thinking what are i'm going to learn in class today..
then, my mind flash back what the lecturer told me and my classmates the day before, which was yesterday.....
" for tomorrow experiment, u MUST read the lab manual.. make sure u also search the molecular mass and molecular formula for acetone ( which is a type of chemical substance ). i'll get mad if tomorrow, u ask me whether the result u get are correct or not. and we will also have quiz 4 tomorrow, which cover for chapter 5. "
then, a classmate ask her, " miss, do us have to do the flow chart? " which we must prepare one before each experiment will be conducted.
i still not finish my flow chart and doing my revision!
i quickly wake from the bed, grab the note beside my bantal busuk and read it..
what for sure, i not remember what did i read..
ha ha
what a waste of time..
then, when my eyes caught that it is only 4.30 early the morning,
and my mind seduce me,
" husna~ the pillow looks soo adorable.. why don't you sleep first? just for few of minutes. "
and i just follow what my mind told me to do.. ( the voice that seducing me sounds like mudzy's :p )
the next time i woke up, it is few minutes before 6.30!
i rush to the bathroom,
take the obligation
and back to my room to perform subuh prayer..
after that, i look at my bed..
now it's start again
the next time i woke up ( WOKE UP!! )
i'm on my bed, rolling in my selimut busuk and hugging my bantal busuk
with my left hand taking away the evidence caused by overslept and the right hand searching for the phone under the book beside..
this time, my mind like,
flying without wings~
i'm going insane derr!!!
i manage to go to chemy's lab with flow chart in my bag and notes in my hand..
i thought i'm gonna die today..
lucky me
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Tempat baru, rasa baru, tempat baru
hari ni, first time jejak kaki kat rumah mama yang baru..kalau sebelum2 ni, aci lalu je,tgk dr luar pagar je..perasaan bila jejak rumah baru??macam2..rasa macam tak biasa pun,ada pasal sblom ni, kalau balik rumah mama, balik tmn koperasi..nnti lps ni,kna balik tmn melewar dah..mlm ni, mlm last duk kat rumah ni..
tadi hangkut brg2..sikit2 lar..LETIH GILER KOT!..kotak tu, sebijik 2,3 kilo..ntah2 4,5 kilo ntah..haha..tgh pusing2 rumah tu, tetiba bunyi orang mengaji..SERIAU WEI! bunyi macam org pasang kaset org ngaji..aku pun intai lar kt tngga nk naik tngkat ats tu..intai slow2 lar..kang ada yang menjenguk kang, xpasal pengsan aku on d spot,,tiba-tiba....
JENG JENG JENG!! keluar la sebijik kepala dr arah pintu bilik atas!! suara org mengaji td pun dh senyap doe!!
rupa-rupanya cik ja yang baca surah!!nk bg makhluk-makhluk Allah yang lain sedar la yang dah ada orang nak menghuni rummah tu..haha
skrg ni, lepak-lepak..esk kna smbung kemas brg n kena g mop lntai satu rumah double-storey kt taman melewar tu..
se ya..
tadi hangkut brg2..sikit2 lar..LETIH GILER KOT!..kotak tu, sebijik 2,3 kilo..ntah2 4,5 kilo ntah..haha..tgh pusing2 rumah tu, tetiba bunyi orang mengaji..SERIAU WEI! bunyi macam org pasang kaset org ngaji..aku pun intai lar kt tngga nk naik tngkat ats tu..intai slow2 lar..kang ada yang menjenguk kang, xpasal pengsan aku on d spot,,tiba-tiba....
JENG JENG JENG!! keluar la sebijik kepala dr arah pintu bilik atas!! suara org mengaji td pun dh senyap doe!!
rupa-rupanya cik ja yang baca surah!!nk bg makhluk-makhluk Allah yang lain sedar la yang dah ada orang nak menghuni rummah tu..haha
skrg ni, lepak-lepak..esk kna smbung kemas brg n kena g mop lntai satu rumah double-storey kt taman melewar tu..
se ya..
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